Learning Outcome # 1

Learning Outcome # 1

I believe that the multiple drafts of my Project 1 demonstrate my significant efforts and ability to engage in both global and local revision. While revising this assignment, I used both my peers and my own critiques to make both major changes to my paper, as well as small ones. For example, after receiving feedback from multiple classmates that I had not introduced Soylent very well, I incorporated more information about it in my introduction paragraph. I went from only stating that there was a “substitute for food” to explaining what the alternative substance actually is “a nutrient-packed powder that is combined with water”. I found that this local revision, adding only a few words, had a major impact on the clarity of my overall essay. I discovered that as I worked on the multiple drafts of this project, I was able to develop my essay into a stronger and more informative piece of writing, using the suggestions from my peers. Another situation where I was able to make changes that strengthened my argument was when I was explaining more about ” those who only eat because it is necessary…”. I did not really explain who “those people” are in my rough draft. I used this as an opportunity to add an example, (“those who live off Soylent” and “people with busy lives who do not have time to eat a full meal”) that provided more evidence supporting my paper’s claim. I believe that this project best shows my developments during that revision process, and my overall ability to engage in meaningful revision.
